why are forests important

Medicine. Forests are important ecosystems that provide many goods and services to support human society, occupy less than one-third of Earth’s total land area. Updated August 28, 2019 Safeguarding forest areas strengthens the management of natural resources such as the planet's fresh water — 75% comes from these ecosystems — and increases land yield. Forests help in preventing global warming. Besides medicinal support, trees can hugely benefit your mental health. Trees create vital areas of shade on the ground thanks to their branches and leaves. Beyond absorbing CO2, trees absorb a wide range of other air pollutants, including carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. They support and provide safe habitats for countless species including humans, though often people tend to forget the vital role that forests play in our lives. With regards to the immune system, this could be in part due to trees releasing compounds into the air called phytoncides. Mangrove forests, for example, can hold back storm surges or cyclonic flooding. They modify the local climate and control soil erosion. In fact they absorb about 20% of the world's man-made carbon dioxide emissions. More forests means less CO2 in the air and less global warming. Especially-large forests create their own climates and can trigger rainfall. Tropical rainforests contain over 30 million species of plants and animals. They provide medicine. Trees literally save lives by removing toxic pollutants from the air. 2. 1/ why it is important to save the rainforests, and what will happen if we don not (give at least two reasons.) Below are the leading reasons signifying the importance of forest. Pinterest. Forests are therefore essential in times of climate change, when longer periods of drought occur more frequently. The impact of deforestation and the loss of other vegetation directly impacts climate change, desertification, soil erosion, flooding, increases greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and host of other problems. Let us take a look at why forests are so very important to us and our environment. They are the regions with a dense growth of trees and plants. Forests are very important and beneficial for local, national and international levels. Forests play a critical role for the global environment, population and economy. Regulating humidity levels is also important for the maintenance and fertility of soil. Rapid industrialization and increasing urbanization pose a severe threat to flora and fauna of the Earth and its environment. More than 25% of the world’s population rely on forests for their livelihoods. Forests offer shelter, water, food and fuel. Why saving the Peruvian Amazon rainforest is important. Water vapour is important for moving energy around the Earth and is a very important part of the weather, governing how heavy a rain shower is or how comfortable it feels on a warm day. In hopes of shedding more light on what forests do for us, and how little we can afford to lose them, here are 21 reasons why forests are so important: 1. Forests also provide a livelihood for many communities. LIST OF IMPORTANT FORESTS IN INDIA. Forests are like giant sponges, they absorb water rather than letting it roll off the surface (like tarmac for example), but of course, they cannot absorb it all. This is why trees and in essence forests are called Rain Magnets. One of the most important gifts that forests have bestowed on man kind are medicines derived from plant extract. Here are just a few reasons why trees are vital to humans. 1. /2, Finally clean wash water from coffee beans in Burundi, Socio Bosque fights deforestation in Ecuador. The world would be a whole lot more unpleasant (to put it lightly) without forests. In addition to the supply of clean water and air, these services include numerous indispensable products, including wood (construction, furniture, paper, energy, etc. Why are forests so important? Plants always need some CO2 for photosynthesis, but the Earth's air is overwhelmed with CO2 due to emissions. Walking through a forest and being among trees can help to reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure and strengthen your overall immune system. Coastal forests draw in moist air from neighbouring seas and carry it all the way into the drier inland regions, the effects of which can be felt over thousands of kilometres. After oceans, forests are the world’s largest carbon sink. They regulate the flow of streams and support a variety of industries like the rubber industry. The water that passes through the roots of trees drips into aquifers, an underground layer that contains water. In addition to helping in climate control, forests have other ecological benefits. The more ancient the forest, the more efficient it is at taking the excess CO2 humans produce out of the air, hiding some of it away and using the rest to create healthy branches, nutritious fruits, nuts, and even soul-nourishing landscapes. (B. excelsa) trees in natural forests is important for understanding the species’ ecology and for better defining site-specific management. Maintains the water cycle. Any place close to forests receives above average rainfall and also the exudation of water vapour into the air by trees helps bring down summer temperatures. They provide the world with watershed protection, help to prevent soil erosion and reduce the impact of climate change, among … Humidity is essentially the amount of water vapour in the air. This comes on top of the natural cooling effect of forests (see point 7). That's half... Indigenous people's ancestral territory. The presence of forests also helps to increase humidity through perspiration. The positive impact of the Amazon can often stretch to as far as North America. On top of that, forests are said to create jobs for more than 13 million people. And so their conservation is of essential importance. Forests are a major source of resources and that relief of nature that has the capacity to conserve natural life in its own rhythm. Trees replenish the world’s air supply by producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. Steve Nix. 2. Why forests are important . Besides providing habitats for animals and livelihoods for humans, forests also offer watershed protection, prevent soil erosion and mitigate climate change. Thank you for subscribing to our Newsletter. .2 Why is the forest an important ecosystem? Strategically placed trees can reduce background sound by five to ten decibels, which equates to about a 50% reduction in noise for human ears. These forests are generally located near the equator where both temperatures and humidity are high. Timber harvested from forests is used for fuel, construction materials, and paper products. Without oxygen, life as we know it would not be possible. They act as both a cause and a solution for greenhouse gas emissions. In this sense, this study aimed to model the diameter growth rate of B. excelsa trees in contrasting forest environments in the Brazilian Amazon. Forests come in very handy when heavy rain arrives, as they help the soil to absorb as much water as possible. They help us breathe. 2/ Explain how Topher White’s system actually helps preserve the forests. Other functions that forests offer that are not necessarily as obvious include providing products for medicines, cosmetics and detergents, as outlined by the WWF (World Wildlife Federation). Sarah Romero. Without forests, life would be almost impossible - but we continue to destroy forestland on a daily basis with activities such as illegal logging, palm oil production, cattle grazing and extensive deforestation. The importance of Forrest essay provides a guide into the functions of forests and why it is important to preserve them. Our approach . Did you know that a medication used to treat asthma comes from cacao trees? But forests support us every day of the year, and as deforestation runs rampant around the world, they increasingly need us to return the favor. WOOD AND ENERGY It is one of the most important benefits of the forests that we get wood from the trees which are further used in many products used by us like timber wood is widely used in furniture, constructions and other domestic purposes. Below are 9 reasons why forests are important and why should we protect forests from getting axed. 0. These compounds promote our bodies to fight against infections and protect against harmful tumours. Hence, they have a natural environment with many animals living in them. Besides providing habitats for animals and livelihoods for humans, forests also provide watershed protection, prevent soil erosion … Green makes you happy, and forests even more so. Rainforests are water catchment areas. A forest is an area which is thickly populated with trees and largely unvisited by human beings. He is a member of the Society of American Foresters. We depend on the forests for our survival, from the air we breathe to the wood we use. They are dominated by broad-leaved trees that create a dense canopy, rich in biodiversity. On earth a large part of the landmasses is covered by the forests. The dampening effect of trees is largely due to the rustling of leaves, plus other white noise from the forest, such as birds singing. Tropical forests are some of the most species-rich and varied environments on the planet. Forests provide employment for millions of people … The most important function of forests is that it produces mass amounts of oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. We have verified that you have an ad blocker activated. For example, trees produce fruit, paper and provide wood for building materials. This study was conducted in the Extractive Reserve Rio Cajari (RESEX Cajari). Thanks to forests and trees, fewer fertile soil particles flow away during precipitation. our editorial process. There is a pressing need to take remedial measures as early as possible; so that ecological balance can be maintained, … Forests further are classified into evergreen, partly evergreen, tropical, dry, and deciduous forests. Previous Next. They have many functions, and provide us with food and water. The State of the World’s Forests 2018 (explains why forests are essential to achieve most of the SDGs), http://www.un.org/esa/forests/ and Mother Nature Network, Receive our latest news and articles directly in your mailbox, © 2017 FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience, About the same theme - Article 3 Home / Forest Management, Wildlife Habitat Management / Why Forest Management is Important. All these animals, plants, fungi and bacteria provide essential services for nature and the survival of mankind. They help us breathe. Under the crests of trees and forests, the temperature is noticeably lower than in open areas or in the city, as trees use solar energy to evaporate moisture, which has a cooling effect. It is also important to note that about a third of the world's population still depends on forests and trees for their daily needs, especially for cooking and heating. Other products like … Facebook. Aside from their practical functions, forests provide us with some of the most beautiful sights on Earth. Supports Ecosystems and Habitats At PEFC, we care for forests globally and locally. The importance of forests is indispensable as they are lungs to the whole world. We have been working for more than 35 years to offer you the best and most complete information about science and technology. They alleviate the effects of climate change and natural disasters, and represent some of the richest biological areas on Earth. A single tree displays a cooling effect similar to the aircons of two average households. Phytoplankton, microscopic marine algae, in the ocean contribute between 50 and 85 percent of the oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere, but forests still contribute significantly to air quality maintenance. onetribeglobal. Approximately 18 % of current global warming is due to loss of forests. Forests are a barrier against erosion, landslides and avalanches. Forests are an important part of the water cycle With their roots, trees pull water from the earth and release it back into the atmosphere. They support and provide safe habitats for countless species including humans, though often people tend to forget the vital role that forests play in our lives. ), resins, fruits, honey, ingredients for medicines, cosmetics, detergents… to name just a few. In popular fiction, forests are a scene of adventure or sometimes even crime because of their relative isolation from civilization. Why We Must Manage Our Forests And What Will Happen If We Don’t Forest Management In the Public’s Eye. And beyond protecting sensitive plants, a reduction in wind makes it easier for bees to pollinate flowers. Crops grown in agroforestry systems are often more resilient to drought, excess rain and changes in temperatures. Forests and woodlands have an important role in protecting the environment at a local and even regional level. There are many forests that are spread across large areas across the globe. The Amazon rainforest, for example, generates atmospheric conditions that not only promotes regular rainfall in this area and on nearby farmland, helping to enrich and protect the land. An extremely important function of forests in the capacity to store carbon from the air, which helps to mitigate climate change and helps to prevent soil erosion. Forests supply nuts, mushrooms, fruits, and medicines. Only a tiny proportion of the plethora of species found in forests have been officially discovered and studied. The economic value of the services provided by forests worldwide is estimated at 16.2 trillion dollars. Growth models were fitted at species level to predict … The roots of trees bring nutrients from the deep soil to the surface, while fallen leaves feed the soil and ground-dwelling organisms. At high altitudes, cloud forests can extract moisture from fog and clouds. Many rivers and streams in the world spring from the rainforests. 4. Trees have the ability to cleanse the air of pollution on a substantial scale. We are basically dependent on forests for our survival. We explain how to deactivate your blocker, Whatsapp: how to tell if your mobile has spyware installed on it, The most terrifying spiders on the planet, Human Evolution: A Guide to Understanding Hominids, Steve Jobs Biography: The Magic of a Visionary, The countries that are most affected by climate change. More than two billion people depend on forests. Forests are helping to fight the impact of climate change simply by being there. They can also help purify contaminated soils. It is also important to note that about a third of the world's population still depends on forests and trees for their daily needs, especially for cooking and heating. The population boom and absolute poverty continue to plague the development and progress of India. Deforestation causes mud slides, dust storms and flooding. Moreover, many of these values are provided especially well by old-growth forests, which in general are not very compatible with industrial forestry practices. Importance of Forests: Why is it Important to Protect Them? These are all important forest values, although their importance is not necessarily assessed in terms of dollars. This is one of the reasons why the conservation of old-growth forest is such a controversial topic in many regions of North America and … Forests are mainly important because they stabilize climate, regulate the water cycle, and provides habitat to thousands of life forms. Forest conservation is vital because of its positive effects against global warming and for the protection of biological diversity and indigenous peoples. Forests’ role in climate change is two-fold. These aquifers allow groundwater supplies to be replenished, which are important for worldwide sanitation and irrigation. They can act as safety net for local communities, helping them cope with climate shocks. And while photosynthesis, trees also absorbcarbon dioxide from the air. roja - 2020-07-22. On top of that, forests are said to create jobs for more than 13 million people. Let us keep doing it. They prevent soil erosion by reducing the force of rain on the soil surface by absorbing the water rather than allowing it to run directly off. Biodiversity is key to both ecosystems and human economies, but it is increasingly threatened worldwide by deforestation. Plants in the rainforests release water into the atmosphere through transpiration and the... 3. A single mature deciduous tree generates enough oxygen for two to ten people. As a guardian of terrestrial biodiversity, forests are a treasury of medicinal plants and pharmaceutical ingredients. This is one of the main pollutants of air p… They provide the world with watershed protection, help to prevent soil erosion and reduce the impact of climate change, among numerous other vital functions. Forests are renewable resources and play a major role in enhancing the quality of the environment. They regulate ecosystems, protect biodiversity, play an integral part in the carbon cycle, support livelihoods, and supply goods and services that can drive sustainable growth. Rainforests: 24 Reasons Why Rainforests are Important 1. Deforestation devastates this whole process, causing soil erosion that can trigger life-threatening problems, such as landslides or dust storms. He rigids a cell phone to stay charged by solar cells, then attaches an extra microphone, and listen. Floods are less common in areas where forests grow. Large forests can influence regional climate patterns and even create their own microclimates. For this reason the natural flora and fauna thrive here. This is particularly true of steeply sloping watersheds where the tree roots are important in binding the soil and protecting it against erosion and landslide. Taking in the atmosphere of a forest calms us down. Wipe ou… Why Forest Management is Important. Trees also have another way of fighting heat, absorbing CO2 that fuels global warming. This is why we plant the moringa tree, one of the most important, healthful trees for humans. This is especially important in areas vulnerable to drought. The increased amount of carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas) in the atmosphere... Forests prevent soil erosion. WhatsApp. Water is better absorbed into the soil thanks to trees and forests which improve groundwater recharge and feed springs and rivers. The roots of trees give the soil the structure it needs to absorb and retain water when it rains, avoiding floods that would otherwise wash away perfectly fertile soil, which we need in order to grow food. Many plants that are used to make medicine can be found in forests. Normal rainfall patterns are heavily dependent on forests, not only because they massively evaporate water, but also because they emit biological particles such as pollen and fungal spores, which can serve as the nuclei of rain droplets or snowflakes. Forests  essentially act as water filters, collecting and storing water and recharging vital underground aquifers. We obtain a lot many products from the trees of forests. Clusters of trees can provide good  wind protection, especially for wind-sensitive agricultural crops. In hopes of shedding more light on what forests do for us, and how little we can afford to lose them, here are 21 reasons why forests are so important: 1. The important services forests provide are often ignored. Twitter. Oxygen is the main respiratory gasfor all animals, it ensures our survival. Not to mention the healing effects of clean water and air and a healthy walk in the woods. Biodiversity is especially rich in tropical forests or rain-forests, but all forests are full of life, wherever they are positioned on the planet. Which are the deadliest animals on Earth. One reason for this is that, during heavy rainfall, much more water seeps into the soil, instead of flowing directly into the rivers. We work to protect our forests by promoting sustainable forest management through certification. Although the phytoplankton in the oceans accounts for at least half of the world's oxygen, forests thus also play a key role. Forests are a stabilising force for the climate. 2/ Explain how Topher White's system actually helps preserve the forests. The animals are important in their own ecosystems, and invaluable to humans as sources of food and medicine. The importance of forests cannot be underestimated. Habitat for animals and plants. With this in mind, here are just a few reasons to explain why forests are so important to preserve and nurture. Preeti Vohra; 06-09-2020; 0 ; The World Environment Day this year witnessed the promotion of the Nagar Van (Urban Forestry) Scheme. Tropical rainforests form an important part of our planet. A network of tree roots in a forest helps to stabilise large amounts of soil, preparing the basis for the entire ecosystem against erosion by wind or water. Cacao trees provide theophylline, an asthma drug; while eastern red cedar needles contain a … By. Tropical forests are not just important for the climate. The forests help in This stops rainfall from removing top layers of soil. Also, around 70% of the known plants with cancer-fighting properties are produced in forests or rainforests. DIscussion: provide some background information in which you briefly disscuss 1/ why it is important to save the rainforests, and what will happen if we don not (give at least two reasons.) ... Steve Nix is a natural resources consultant and a former forest resources analyst for the state of Alabama. Wildlife as we know it is found in the forests. It is estimated that a single mature, leafy tree produces a daily supply of oxygen sufficient for between two and ten people. The rainforest is not just a pretty face! The CO2 that forests absorb is stored in wood, leaves and soil, often for centuries. The best trees to provide a noise barrier are evergreen trees, as their year-round foliage reduces sound even in winter when other trees stand bare. Sign up to receive the Mega Interesting Newsletter. Urban forests can help to keep cities within a healthy temperature range, on small scale this helps to keep buildings cool, reducing the need for fans or air conditioners and large forests can help to regulate whole regional temperatures. Not only houseplants, but also forests purify the air of pollutants, including carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and fine dust. Some 75 % of the most commonly prescribed medicines source their ingredients from forests. The Hon’ble Environment Minister Shri Prakash Javadekar announced this Scheme with the aim of developing 200 urban forests across urban India in the next five years. Stay updated with the most relevant trends! This will be implemented with people’s … Important Forest in India – Download Static GK Article Here!!! They also have a role to play in tourism. As a result, the surface temperature of forests can be up to 20 degrees cooler than that of buildings or road asphalt. Most use trees on farms to produce food and cash. Adapted by Katie Burt Around a third of the planet is covered by forests. Forests not only keep soil in place, they prevent erosion from rain. Forests contain a greater variety of biodiversity than any other ecosystem on Earth. The forests and soil also lock away carbon, an important function, especially in this age when humans are causing so much carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere through, for example, transport and fossil fuel power stations. Almost half of the Earth's known species live in forests, around 80% of the Earth's biodiversity is found in forests. Unfortunately, despite the vast amount of modern research and information available, a popular opinion remains that forest … A single tree in the Amazon rainforest can support thousands of different species. They also hold enormous economic significance. Trees help to protect soil and regulate water on farms. Prevention of soil erosion is important because erosion affects wildlife, public and private property, and contributes to pollution. Trees are an important part of our natural world and help purify the air, water, and soil. Thi… Insects and worms provide nutrients to the soil, bees and birds spread pollen and seeds, and key species such as wolves and big cats keep hungry herbivores at bay. Around a third of the planet is covered by forests. Here are just a few vapour why are forests important the forests for our survival other ecosystem on.! 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