biomimicry in agriculture

Carl Hastrick developed a biomimicry spiral demonstrating a step-by-step process to turn natural strategies into creative design solutions: Identify – … RIBA Publishing, London. The concept of biomimicry can be applied to numerous fields (energy, architecture, transportation, medicine, communication or agriculture) to create sustainable designs, materials, and technologies in order to harmonize our activities with the planet (Biomimicry institute). There are just few research institutes with … In the last decades, we have come to realize that our very own existence has pushed nature to the limit of its tolerance and a new thought has emerged: "How can we live on this home planet without destroying it?" The plants did not evolve a way to deal with this situation, so they lose energy and die. Biomimicry, from bios meaning life and mimesis meaning to imitate, is a new science that looks at nature’s time-tested best ideas and reproduce these designs for healthier and more sustainable technologies for people (Benyus, 1997). The field of biomimicry has been practiced successfully since the mid-nineteenth century. As a result of thinking about biomimicry while I should have been thinking about which pliers I needed, I had to turn around and go back to the trailer. Source: Biomimicry is the science of studying nature's models and taking inspiration from it to solve human problem. How Embracing Soil Biology Leads to Better No-Till Profitability. Retrieved March 2015. This relates to efficient water use, decreasing the need of pesticide use and subsequent groundwater pollution and nutrient cycling. Biomimicry Definition. A recent study examines this concept and its philosophical origins — and whether it can help humankind tackle the challenges of sustainability. Velcro® Velcro® was invented by a swiss engineer, George de Mestral, who was inspired by a burdock burr that was attached to his dog's fur… I was thinking about all of this the other day while loading up the truck to build fence. New York: Perennial. Biomimicry: Innovations Inspired by Nature. Now cattle have to stay in one spot and chew the grass down to nubs and then keep chewing. Your email address will not be published. Taking inspiration from nature to … Termite den = Office building. Jackson has calculated that we use 1.8 times as much energy in fossil fuels in order to create this same nitrogen fertilizer, than in than all tractors and farm equipment combined (Jackson as cited in Ausubel, 2005, p. 109). It was used to create the first flying machine, inspired by eagles and owls—this paved the way for technologies like jets and planes. Reimagining Biomimicry in Agriculture as ‘Ecomimicry’. But, as this kind of agriculture helped to the development of humankind thanks to leaps such as the Green Revolution or improved biotechnology, the 21st century will be challenged by food security problems. Biomimicry in agriculture could result in tractors with ball joints modeled after the hips of a Triceratops. Biomimicry: Using Nature’s Designs to Transform Agriculture October 2015 Inspiration in Your Inbox Join thousands of nature-inspired innovators and keep up-to-date with the latest biomimicry news, research, events, and more. industrial agriculture requires the extensive use of fossil fuels. AGRICULTURE Nature organises it’s own agriculture of course, but in man’s quest to be more efficient, we are learning techniques following the examples of insects amongst other things. Biomimicry. Biomimicry has been applied in challenges from automotive engineering to agriculture, health, architecture, fashion design, cosmetics, sports, and much more. Organisms have appeared, evolved, or disappeared when not adapted; they have learned to meet their needs within the limits of the planet and have created intricately interconnected living system in the process (Benyus, 1997). This is inspired by (tropical) ecosystems where nutrients are carefully used and circulated. Pawlyn M. (2011). What is Biomimicry? As the wild herds were killed off, the old-timers replaced them with domestic cattle. Becoming Native to This Place. FindAPhD. Vanloqueren and Baret (2009) described how the Agricultural Research System (ARS) has shaped technological regime in genetic engineering and locked out agroecological innovations. It’s really no secret at this juncture: access to water is … For the latest crop of agricultural innovations, stay tuned to the teams in the Biomimicry Institute’s annual Biomimicry Global Design Challenge, the most promising of which are invited to join the Biomimicry Accelerator, where they work to bring their design to market with the help of the $100,000 Ray of Hope Prize™ from the Ray C. Anderson Foundation. Every plant and animal, fungus, and bacteria has a genome's worth of time-tested, sustainable ideas to inspire us. Benyus’ biomimicry principles provide a framework for the development of more sustainable solutions for addressing human challenges. By Timila Dhakhwa • September 15, 2016 We build our fences to counter the degradation. A good example is provided by Wes Jackson (Jackson 1996), from the Land Institute, who used prairies for a model of agriculture centred on edible, perennial polycultures. The Food and Agriculture Organization predicted that, to satisfy the needs of 9.2 billion people by 2050, overall food production would have to increase by about 70 percent. You could call this ‘biomimicry’ in agriculture but I think there is an essential difference between what we do and the examples of biomimicry that are usually thrown around. The mix of species would provide natural pest control. The way this article is worded suggests that permaculture is limited to agriculture, when in fact it, like biomimicry, is a method of inquiry and a design methodology that can be used for solving a myriad of challenges. Depending on who came up with it and how well it worked, we might wish that we had never heard of biomimicry. Required fields are marked *. Agriculture has to provide food, fibre and energy for a rapidly growing population and the actual production won’t be sufficient in the future (FAO, 2011). This allows us to protect the grass in a pasture from cattle grazing. Agriculture is a very interesting field, because another way of reducing CO 2 in the atmosphere is with the use of “Regenerative agriculture”, a kind of agriculture that improves itself over a long period. Biomimicry can address many aspects of life, including: architecture, energy, resources, transportation, agriculture, communication, science, medicine, and more. Fences and cattle illustrate the point because the interaction between fences and cattle lies at the very base of a complex genealogy of technologies. Biomimicry Institute. By 2030, bioinspired innovations could generate $1.6tn of GDP worldwide, according to a... Six-sided efficiency. A plausible explanation for the lack of biomimicry applications in agriculture is the low of interest in innovative knowledge towards sustainable agriculture. ​© 2015 by ACT team 1492 - Wageningen University. While biomimicry is relatively common in biotechnology and engineering, Arty Mangan, the restorative food systems director of the New Mexico- and California-based science innovation hub Bioneers, said it is a rarity on farms. Indeed, these ecosystems are highly efficient in conserving the soil, resisting pests and weeds, and stimulating their own fertility (Benyus, 2011; Jackson, 1996; the Land Institute). FAO (2011).. FAO in the 21st century, Ensuring food security in a changing world. Our planet Earth has harboured life for 3.8 billion years. How Biomimicry is Inspiring Human Innovation. Or a computer algorithm that uses the schooling behavior of fish to sell you toilet paper. Agriculture is one system where the application of biomimicry can inspire resilience, reduce water pollution and reverse climate change. We can look to the, for models when solving modern problems. Biomimicry is the science of applying nature-inspired designs in human engineering and invention to solve human problems. Summary. However, in what is just a short blink in earth's history, humankind has expanded in number and territory, meanwhile developing more and more destructive habits in order to shelter and feed that growing population (Benyus, 1997; Vanderbilt, 2012). Shinkansen Bullet Train. So they built fences. If we are going to solve the problems of today without creating a whole new set of problems for tomorrow, then we need a more nuanced understanding of the problems that technology creates, more nuanced than the term ‘biomimicry’ can provide. As a result of moving the cattle, we grow more grass and heal the land. Perennial grain cropping is an application of permaculture principles, but does not represent the totality of permaculture design. Harvesting water like the Stenocara beetle. And I will discuss about why it shouldn’t be that contentious. Without the fences, grazing animals could come with early rains, and then leave after things dried up, as they have this year. Biomimicry in agriculture. Nature,418(6898): 671-677. Agriculture plays major roles in two striking issues: the environmental footprint and food security. Ray Archuleta explains why soil biology is so important to crop production and how utilizing soil life more aggressively can boost no-till … We use these fences to divide our ranches into smaller paddocks. Biomimicry in Agriculture, or, (better yet) Ecomimicry. Many countries across the world are predicted to experience an increase in extreme events such as droughts and floods, as the effects of climate change worsen . We could come up with an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile modeled after a flying-fish. The old-timers needed to stake their claim on these cattle and keep them from getting mixed up with the cattle that other old-timers had staked claims on. Smithsonian Magazine. existing resources, using Biomimicry techniques and encourage governments to follow and fund the suggested techniques of obtaining water for agriculture and rural purposes, especially in arid regions. Water collection. For example, no one would look at our fiberglass posts and say that they are super revolutionary, nor would they say they intentionally mimic… well, anything in nature. Then we add tons of chemical fertilizers to make up for the poorer soils, and pesticides to protect the crop. Agroecological innovations have been long locked out by a technological regime shaping agriculture (e.g. That tractor would still destroy soil. To achieve this goal while respecting the planet, agriculture must adopt more efficient and sustainable production methods. Shorter article – “Biomimicry: using nature's designs to transform agriculture” Shorter article – “Biomimicry in Agriculture: Farming like a prairie” Book Chapter – “Built systems, biomimicry and urban food-growing“ from Sustainable Food Systems: The Role of the City by Robert Biel" Home / Keywords / biomimicry in agriculture. Therefore the pattern is not different, just more obscure. Modern industrialized agriculture is greatly responsible for a range of already irreversible biodiversity loss through the conversion of natural habitats into productive fields, of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution and, of the release of huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (directly through mechanization and livestock production and indirectly by the synthesis of artificial fertilizers) (Rockstrom et al, 2009; Tilman et al, 2002). In this way, nature is the expert on efficiency, adaptiveness and circular systems that can sustain changes and act resilient on changing conditions. 1 BIOMIMICRY DESIGN . Biomimicry therefore offers the opportunity to reconnect with nature and start living within planetary limits. Here are a few examples of how biomimicry can be used. In Ecomimicry, it is the. Where before 99% of the biomass of the coffee plant was produced as waste, the waste is now used as a substrate to grow shiitake mushrooms on (The Biomimicry Institute). But in our case it simply allows us to do what the ecosystem has been doing for hundreds of millions of years. The irony of building fences to solve a problem created by fences is not lost on us. By applying the processes of a prairie to an agricultural field, we can create an 'edible prairie',  without the need of ploughing and with nitrogen fixing plants taking care of the fertile soils. Tilman D., Cassman K. G., Matson P. A., Naylor R., & Polasky S. (2002). For the latest crop of agricultural innovations, stay tuned to the teams in the Biomimicry Institute’s annual Biomimicry Global Design Challenge, the most promising of which are invited to join the Biomimicry Accelerator, where they work to bring their design to market with the help of the $100,000 Ray of Hope Prize™ from the Ray C. Anderson Foundation. If we reimagine biomimicry as, say, ‘Ecomimicry,’ we can be more specific. We discern among Integrated agriculture and Permaculture, analyze their biomimetic status from the perspective of the philosophy of biomimicry, and argue that the former nature-mentored approach (contrary to the latter nature-modeled approach) is a more appropriate solution for sustainable broadscale agriculture necessary for the growing world. Biomimicry (bios - life and mimesis - imitate) refers to innovations inspired by nature as one which studies nature and then imitates or takes inspiration from its designs and processes to solve human problems. (Image credit: University of Southhampton.) Hexagro has an original approach towards urban agriculture market with biomimicry-based products that apply technological innovations as Additive Manufacturing. Innovative approaches have been developed to reconcile human development and nature conservation, but they still too often try to control and manipulate nature instead of cooperate and learn from it (Wahl, 2006). Fiberglass seems like an amazing fruit of human ingenuity. According to the Biomimicry Institute, a sustainable world had already existed through the eco-system and This study concludes that biomimicry and permaculture design demonstrates revolutionary potential to redevelop agricultural systems as an embodiment of both sustainable food production and environmental integrity, but the movement will ultimately remain … Termite dens look otherworldly, but they are surprisingly comfortable … Agricultural sustainability and intensive production practices. Our antibiotics, software, and autonomous driving cars all exhibit the same pattern (for many more examples and much more elaboration. If we reimagine biomimicry as, say, ‘Ecomimicry,’ we can be more specific. That tractor would still destroy soil. Search Funded PhD Projects, Programs & Scholarships in Agricultural Sciences, biomimicry. Vanloqueren G., Baret P.V. Another example is the closed-loop coffee plantation. The application of biomimicry to agriculture is a feasible solution providing this efficient and sustainable approach, and some research is already being conducted. High-speed trains can literally cause headaches. Biomimicry: using nature's designs to transform agriculture Easing into commercialization. We have a lot to learn from the organisms and ecosystems that surround us, and that have had to solve the same problems as we do, with a far greater economy of means (Benyus, 1997; Pawlyn, 2011). Biomimicry in agriculture could result in tractors with ball joints modeled after the hips of a Triceratops. In Ecomimicry, it is the interaction that is innovative, not the technology. By forgetting that we are part of, and not separate from, the ecosystems of our planet, our lifestyle has become ecologically unsustainable in many ways. For example, no one would look at our fiberglass posts and say that they are super revolutionary, nor would they say they intentionally mimic… well, anything in nature. The Land Institute has been working successfully to revolutionize the conceptual foundations of modern agriculture by using natural prairies as a model: they have been demonstrating that using deep-rooted plants which survive year-to-year (perennials) in agricultural systems which mimic stable natural ecosystems – rather than the weedy crops common to many modern agricultural systems – can produce equivalent yields of grain and maintain and even improve the water and soil resources … But the fence completely revolutionizes the interaction between livestock, grass, soil microbes, humans and everything else in the ecosystem. Office of Knowledge Exchange, Research and Extension, FAO, Rome, Italy. These technologies were created to fix problems created by previous technologies. Our technique of moving cattle works because it mimics the way large herds of wild animals once moved over the landscape. genetic engineering) (Vanloqueren, 2009). These fences forced the cattle to stay on one spot all year. You can laugh, but as far as I can tell, every technology in your life follows the same pattern. However those other technologies are many steps removed from the ecosystem. Vanderbilt T. (2012). Our antibiotics, software, and autonomous driving cars all exhibit the same pattern (for many more examples and much more elaboration, see the book). Some nature-geeks champion the idea of ‘biomimicry,’ which is defined as ‘innovations inspired by nature.’ One example of biomimicry are the swimsuits modeled after shark skin. The Land Institute. It was also used in the invention of Velcro, which works in much the same way as the hooks on burrs when they stick to … Us nature-geeks blame technology for modern problems, but we can get a little fuzzy about where to go from there. We can look to the interactions between species for models when solving modern problems. Therefore it is an interesting source of information: to get inspired by what already works. Our fences are made of space age fiberglass. Your email address will not be published. Biomimicry Applications in Agriculture to Benefit from Water Renewable Resources February 2016 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 5(2):333-336 Benyus J. M.  (1997). (2009). In our annual monocultures, the soil has to be tilled and ploughed every year, which leads to erosion. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Items Tagged with 'biomimicry in agriculture' ARTICLES. Biomimicry in Agriculture: Is the Ecological System-Design Model the Future Agricultural Paradigm? Next week, I will delve deeper into the difference between biomimicry in agriculture and ecomimicry by discussing one of the more contentious technologies of our age, Genetic Engineering. Solutions. Jackson W. (1996). Biomimicry asks how other living creatures are solving the same problems we have. How agricultural research systems shape a technological regime that develops genetic engineering but locks out agroecological innovations, Research Policy, 38(6). Now biomimicry forms the basis of a $1.5 billion industry and crops up in bullet trains inspired by kingfishers, houses modeled after baobab trees and robots mimicking inchworms. We could come up with an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile modeled after a flying-fish. Modern industrialized agriculture is greatly responsible for a range of already irreversible biodiversity loss through the conversion of natural habitats into productive fields, of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution and, of the release of huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the … Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint. You can laugh, but as far as I can tell, every technology in your life follows the same pattern. It was popularized by Janine Benyus, who argued that human enterprises would benefit from taking inspiration from nature’s designs. Biomimicry in architecture not only produces creative systems but also induces creative thinking in Architects. Biomimicry can be applied in the process of energy supply by studying a leaf to invent a better solar cell, in flying performance by observing birds to make more aerodynamic wings, in structure organisation by looking at termites to create sustainable air conditioned buildings, and so on. Search for PhD funding, scholarships & studentships … But the fence completely revolutionizes the interaction between livestock, grass, soil microbes, humans and everything else in the ecosystem. This results in ecological degradation. After a few weeks or a few months, the grass can regrow and gain strength until it is ready to be grazed again. 9. However those other technologies are many steps removed from the ecosystem. That's why Japan limits … Biomimetic architecture is a branch of the new science of biomimicry defined and popularized by Janine Benyus in her 1997 book (Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature). Fences and cattle illustrate the point because the interaction between fences and cattle lies at the very base of a complex genealogy of technologies. The full grown morpho rhetenor butterfly, a native to South America. The core idea is that nature has actually solved many of the problems we are nowadays facing—as us, organisms and ecosystems need to stay warm, filter water, obtain energy, and so on— and nature has developed solutions that are well-adapted to life on earth through test and error. Depending on who came up with it and how well it worked, we might wish that we had never heard of biomimicry. Agriculture plays major roles in two striking issues: the environmental footprint and food security. Biomimicry in Architecture. (Benyus, 1997). Retrieved March 2015. 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